Can I get in trouble for criticizing someone on social media?
By: Atty. Wivino E. Bracero II |
Free speech has always been the cornerstone of any democratic society. It is so important in our society that it is jealously protected and guaranteed by no less than the Constitution. However, much like all other freedoms, the exercise of free speech is not without limitation. As the old adage goes, one’s freedoms end where another’s rights begin.
That said, much has been said about the crime of libel. It is a crime that is defined and the penalties for its commission provided for under the Revised Penal Code. Libel, criminal libel to...
Of trademarks and Filipino humor
By: Atty. Wivino E. Bracero II |
Filipinos are known the world over for their wit and humor. Nowhere is this more evident than in humorous names Filipinos give to their business. We have the likes of Facebool (fish ball stall), Harry Cutter (barbershop), Lord of the Wings (barbeque restaurant), the recently viral 7 Evelyn (sari-sari store); the list goes on. The question now is whether the use of said names violates intellectual property laws?
Photo: Facebook.com/Itanong Mo Sa FishBall Ni Lhanze
Photo: Filipiknow.net
Let us take the example of the case involving McDonald’s and L.C. Big Mak Burger....