Is it practical and safe to buy second-hand cars this pandemic?
Before the pandemic, we give high value and importance to worldly things—real estates, businesses, cars, and luxury properties--that satisfy our needs, until a virus happened and still ravaging our lands, we shift our sight to what’s more vital—our health, more so our lives.
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As part of the so-called health crisis’ domino effect on our economy, businesses have been tremendously suffering, one of the industries hit hardest by the on-going COVID-19 pandemic is the automotive sector.
Car dealers have reopened and tripling their efforts to keep up with the new normal set-up but, buyers are seemingly not...
Ideal Cars for Starters in 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted the car selling industry. Many car dealers and manufacturers are offering special financing terms due to economic uncertainty caused by Coronavirus. According to US News, manufacturers like Chevrolet and Buick are offering 0% interest rate financing, and Ford is offering a deal that gives car buyers 6 months to make their first payment.
If you are a beginner, and need to buy a car during these times, you can use this article as a guide on what is suitable for starters in 2020.
Kia Picanto
The Kia Picanto projects comfort and freshness in...
Road Safety Guide this Rainy Season
Summer in the Philippines officially ends when gradual downpour, strong winds and unpredictable weather occur. Albeit typhoon has entered the country earlier than the normal this year as typhoon Vongfong or locally named as Ambo impacted the country on May 10 which first hit the east of Mindanao.
Most part of the country can be easily impacted by heavy downpour that usually results to half-day flood, massive traffic, and the most affected are the stranded commuters—from students to adults. And these unfortunate situations oftentimes lead to road accidents.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road accident is one of...
Not a scene from an apocalypse movie, it is the first week of GCQ in Metro Manila
It seems like our favorite apocalypse-themed movies just turned to reality as we have seen how horrible the first week of GCQ in Metro Manila was to a lot of commuters.
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Amid the threat of a pandemic, many were so eager to report at work after the transition and push themselves to go back to the usual life they used to have before—it resulted in a manifestation of a major crisis in public transportation.
Light Rail Transit 1&2 (LRT), Metro Rail Transit 3 (MRT-3), and Philippine National Railway (PNR)...
We All Share the Road: Safety Tips On How Can Motorists Keep Cyclists Safe
When we look at road policies and regulations much of the concern is for vehicle safety. In the never-ending battle for spaces on Philippine highways, motorists are not the only rulers.
Motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians—they all must share the roads. The promotion of bicycle-use in the country is on the run as we continuously face the issue of mass transport as one of the effects of COVID-19 pandemic.
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In reality, many see bicycles as an accident-prone vehicle on the road. Motorists consider both its vulnerability and unpredictability a major hazard on the road. Pedestrians themselves...