“I skip saying goodbyes’’, Why do people choose to quit silently?
Living in the 20th century is both an opportunity and a tough job. People get to experience the advancement of technology which makes daily activities much easier. On the other hand, getting exposed to anxiety more often due to social media’s pressure of dealing with “I should have more than this”.
The thrill of this century breaks the stigma of “living a complicated life”. Similarly, arising perspectives such as it’s okay to have no children than to add another liability, cutting off toxic relationships (including family ties or relatives) and quitting some commitments (job, organizations, and the like)
Why is it hard to cope with anxiety triggers?
Have you tried waking up whereas, one day, you can’t face the person anymore? You can’t go to the place where you once called a “happy place”? You can’t even take to hear the voice of those you loved dearly? Because today, they are your anxiety triggers.
This article is written with empathy for those who are trying to overcome anxiety and depression. Those brave individuals keep on showing up despite of having no enough sleep. Despite of not eating well. Despite of all the odds that keep on boxing him or her in their own gloomiest days. You matter....
Time to Break the Stigma: A Story of Struggle and Perseverance
TW: Suicide, Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health Issues
As the pandemic hit the globe, people, more commonly young adults, experiencing anxiety and depression increased by 25%. With the lockdown and social isolation happening for almost a year, World Health Organization reported that the mental health of younger generations is “disproportionally” at risk of suicidal and self-harming behaviors. Alongside this, the increase in the number of people struggling with mental health concerns is also a result of unprecedented stress due to constraints on the ability to work, physical connection and support from loved ones, and overall community engagement.
A 21-year-old student...
How to ask someone if they’re okay without invalidating them?
Emotional validation is the acceptance of a person’s feelings, thoughts, and emotional experiences.
Emotional invalidation, then, is when a person’s thoughts, feelings, and emotional experiences were belittled, rejected, judged and ignored.
Some people say,
“ para ayun lang”
“ ako nga eh napagdaanan ko naman yan pero nalagpasan ko”
“ ang babaw mo naman”
“ ang OA mo naman”
“ ang sensitive mo naman”
Instead of showing care and concern to the person who is experiencing emotional stress, you tend to invalidate their feelings that often lead to thinking that they are worthless and that their feelings don't...
How are you coping with everything? Mental Health update in the Philippines
TW: Depression, Suicide, Mental Health issues
In 2018, the ongoing crisis with mental health in the Philippines aided in pushing through the passing of the Mental Health Act. From then, there was a noticeable increase in the monthly average calls received by the National Center for Mental Health. Despite the existing act, the designated expenditure for mental health is barely 5%, a seemingly lower percentage compared to other Western Pacific countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Furthermore, there are only 7.76 hospital beds and 0.41 psychiatrists per 100,000 people, as stated by the World Health Organization in 2007.