World Soil Day 2020: What are the best types of potting soil for indoor plants?
Every 5th of December, ‘World Soil Day’ (WSD) is held annually as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.
According to the United Nations, this international day to celebrate ‘soil’ was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Conference, in June 2013, unanimously endorsed World Soil Day and requested official adoption at the 68th UN General Assembly, and in December 2013, the 68th UN General Assembly declared 5 December as the World Soil Day....
Why having houseplants makes you feel better?
According to studies, houseplants are good for our health. It’s a science-based fact that they do not just exist just for their visual beauty and aesthetics--they play a vital role in our lives, when we breathe, they release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
Photo courtesy of Pexels.com
In a research conducted by NASA, it revealed that houseplants can remove up to 87 percent of air toxin in 24 hours, and some studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15 percent!)
These wonderful creatures are not just only freshens up the air and...
Everything Green: Sustainable lifestyle stores we all should know in the Metro!
COVID-19 pandemic has been teaching us a lot of life lessons—from valuing life, to everyday contentment, and simple way of living.
Photo courtesy of Pexels.com
One of the most evident transformations we have been seeing lately is more and more people are choosing a sustainable lifestyle.
Many are beginning to reduce their use of earth’s natural resource—basically, they are the so-called humans who decided not to be shitty to our environment again.
We know, it’s hard to let go of the lifestyle you are accustomed to, but you’re on the right track pal, you’re one step closer into green...
Eco-Friendly 101: Bamboo Face Shields Handcrafted by Local farmers are now available online!
No doubt, Filipinos are one of the most resourceful and creative citizens of the world!
Aside from alcohol and face mask which remain staple as we continue battling with COVID-19, the mandatory wearing of face shield is the newest addition to the set of general health protocols ordered by the Department of Transportation (DOTr).
(Read: Heads Up! Wearing of Face Shield in Public Transport is Now Mandatory)
For many, The new rule has been a quite challenge ‘cause it means another cut for their budget and even called it an ‘anti-poor’ move. But, thanks to the creativity and resourcefulness of...
Sustainability 101: How to be Eco-friendly at Home during COVID-19 Pandemic?
Photo courtesy of Johair Siscar Addang / Facebook
For the past months, community lockdown across the globe has been implementing to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, and evidently, we are seeing a lot of reports of how this measure has left a positive effect on the environment—cleaner air due to less road mobility and economic activities.
The notable drop in air pollution somehow serves as a success amid the health crisis, but, it’s only in the air. How about water and energy consumption, and emissions of other substances, which also contribute to the damage of nature once exceed?