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Why is it hard to cope with anxiety triggers?
By Faith Estrella 09 Jan 2023 1078

Have you tried waking up whereas, one day, you can’t face the person anymore? You can’t go to the place where you once called a “happy place”? You can’t even take to hear the voice of those you loved dearly? Because today, they are your anxiety triggers.

This article is written with empathy for those who are trying to overcome anxiety and depression. Those brave individuals keep on showing up despite of having no enough sleep. Despite of not eating well. Despite of all the odds that keep on boxing him or her in their own gloomiest days. You matter.

Anxiety triggers are the strings that continually scratch the unhealed wounds. The continual vibration of pain inside can lead to the cutting of communication or life itself. Dear brave one, you are not alone. These triggers cannot be undone or vanish in a snap of your fingers because they can be the root of your traumas. They can light the fire of anxiety at 3 am. But when can these anxiety trigger end?

  • Whenever triggers are showing up or nearby, try to do the breathing exercise. It can help you calm down and think vividly.
  • Distancing yourself from your anxiety triggers in a period of time is okay.
  • Healing should be your priority.
  • Look for a hobby or outdoor activity that will boost your “happy hormones”.
  • Be with your small “support system” whenever your anxiety pops up.
  • Limit the use of your social media platforms if it only adds up noise in your head.
  • Seek a clinical psychologist or counselor.

Always remember that you are braver than your anxiety triggers. Look for a sounding board. Someone or a few people whom you can trust and won’t invalidate your feelings and current state. Above all, God is bigger than your anxiety. His love is bigger than those. Heal.

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