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How should I use my online platforms in sharing my Political Views?
By Faith Estrella 27 Aug 2024 740

This past few weeks, online social media platforms have been a red zone for different political views. At the same time, unfollowing, muting and blocking online friends is rampant. Seems toxic right? But did you know that you can share your political views without killing someone? Or should we say, without killing “friendship” or “any genuine connection”. Here are three ways in using your online platform in sharing your political views.

Share your views without too much slapping someone’s face

Metaphorically speaking, words can slap someone’s face if it’s either use for truth or insult. With the clout chasing of fake news and posts about political ideals, a lot of netizen are slapping each other left and right. Where in fact, sharing your own perspective in political discussions can be a learning ground without disparaging someone. Proper usage of word tonality can be a key on this. Make use of words that still implies respect while sharing truth or own political view.

“But what if the netizen I am engaging with is close minded?” that’s when the next healthy way in addressing your political view comes in.

Choose your battle. Wisely!

Rebuking someone’s fake claim on a certain subject is contagious in the country given that Philippines is a democratic country. Freedom of speech is everyone’s sword whenever someone is trying to invalidate them. However, choose your battle or choose your discussion wisely. Why would you spend your time in a long ravaging non-sense debate? Use your time with netizens or people who are open for a healthier debate. It comes along with having an open-mindedness. In that case, you too should be open-minded.

Make time for research with proper citation

Remember that in order to avoid fake news and spreading it, make time for thorough research with proper citation. Facts can be found in sites ending with .org, .gov, .edu and other credible-published journals, dissertations and news wires. However, multiple references are a much better way to validate your political view. At some point, writers in government and news wires might have had happened to overlooked some minor details which could lead to “fake news” instead of facts. With this, better make time for an intensive research and use proper quotation and citation.

We can all agree that Filipinos are known to be one of those raise with witty mind. Having this thought, let’s promote a much healthier platform while sharing our own political views. You don’t have to give much time in slapping every netizen who are against your political view. Well, just knock them off when you think it’s time to knock them with facts.

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